Try these simple tips to help relieve stress
Whether you take a walk, let your mind wander or tweak your diet, here are the best ways to find relaxation.
Whether you take a walk, let your mind wander or tweak your diet, here are the best ways to find relaxation.
In a culture of constant over-scheduling, it seems like everyone is stressed.
Take a study published last year in the journal Neurology: It found that in otherwise healthy, middle-aged people, high levels of stress were linked with increases in brain thinning and smaller amounts of crucial gray matter in the brain. But the effects of stress on your body go beyond your mind: It can make your more susceptible to illness, lead to addictive behaviors, spike your blood pressure and induce headaches.
The human stress response was designed to be acute not chronic, lingering with you day-in and day-out. If your levels are teetering on the latter, there are endless ways to chill out —starting with these tips from experts and research alike.